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Rift of the NecroDancer’s story is an intro to some incredible music

Rift of the NecroDancer, a new music game from the creators of the music roguelike Crypt of the NecroDancer, solves the problem of exploring a big library of tracks with a simple idea: a story mode.

In Rift, you have to press buttons in time with notes that appear on lanes in front of you, similar to games like Guitar Hero. You only have three lanes to worry about, but the tracks get complex because the “notes” are actually enemies with different movement patterns. A green slime just takes one hit to defeat, for example, but a gold bat takes three beats to eliminate, and with each hit, it hops to another lane.

If you want, you can immediately jump into the game’s library, which features more than 30 tracks. (Though you’ll need to accrue “diamonds” to unlock some of them.) The songs are killer — I happily tapped my foot to just about every one I played. But because the songs are originals, there aren’t familiar licensed tunes to jump into like with Guitar Hero, so it can be daunting to know where to start.

That’s why I played Rift’s story mode. The plot doesn’t really matter — you play as Cadence, the main character from Crypt, as you try and solve the my …

Read the full story at The Verge.

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